Revenue leakage control: Enhanced coordination among key tax departments

Kathmandu, December 9 — A decision has been made to enhance coordination to control revenue leakage in a meeting of the Inland Revenue Department, the Department of Customs, and the Department of Revenue Investigation.
The meeting, attended by the heads of the three departments, discussed issues related to revenue leakage and tax evasion. It was decided to identify the risk areas, goods, border points, and groups associated with revenue leakage.
The decision was also made to exchange information among the departments for the collection, analysis, and implementation of information.
The data entered into the VCTS system of the Department of Revenue Investigation, the ASYCUDA World system of the Department of Customs, and the Integrated Information System of the Inland Revenue Department will be interconnected.
According to the Department of Customs, these information systems will be used for tax audits, post-clearance customs checks, market monitoring, and patrol operations.
Based on information from all three departments, a joint patrol operation will be carried out to impact tax evasion, bring tax-evading taxpayers under legal action, and closely monitor suspicious transactions and unauthorized warehouses.
The meeting also discussed the exchange of information between agencies to prevent business transactions through personal accounts for tax evasion, monitoring and surveillance of suspicious transactions, and bringing them under the scope of legal action.
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