Bhutiya Daha turns into tourist magnet, local government prepares DPR


Once an unheard pond called 'Bhutiya Daha' has been a new tourist magnet in Udayapur district. 

After the construction of Koshi Bridge over Saptakoshi river connecting Chatara of Sunsari and Belaka of Udayapur, Bhutiya Daha started witnessing touristic footfalls. 
''It was known just among locals. But, after the opening of bridge over Saptakoshi river and the arrival of local government, Bhutiya Daha got good limelight,'' shared Amrit Bahadur Bista, a local hotelier at Supade, the entry point to the Bhutiya Daha from East-West Madan Bhandari Highway. 

From Koshi bridge, it is approximately 18 kilometers away, informed Govinda Kumar Khadka, ward chair of Belaka Municipality Ward Number 5. He added, ''It is 15-kilometer-long blacktopped stretch until Supade and from there onwards it is approximately 3-kilometer-long dirt track to reach 35-feet-deep Bhutiya Daha.'' 

According to ward chair Khadka, other than regular motorists along the Madan Bhandari Highway, people from nearby districts of Sunsari and Saptari are frequenting Bhutiya Daha for swimming and selfies as well as for picnicking. 

Khadka said local government has prepared a Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the Bhutiya Daha on behalf of Tourism Committee of the municipality. ''Our DPR includes blacktopped road track to connect Bhutiya Daha, bridge and other beautification works,'' said chair Khadka, ''In total, it is within the budgetary framework of around Rs. 70 million.'' Khadka said budget of local level does not meet the required investment. For this, he said, needs support from provincial and central government. 

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