Coronavirus isolation ward set up in Baitadi

Baitadi–In view of coronavirus panic, an isolation ward has been set up in Baitadi as a preparedness measure, said the district hospital. The ward set up inside the hospital has three beds where people with suspected coronavirus infection will be kept and treated, said medical superintendent of the hospital, Dr Basanta Raj Joshi.

"Swabs of saliva and mucus of infected people will be collected and sent for a test. In this regard, test kits have been demanded from the state public health laboratory," he said.

Establishment of the ward follows the state government's direction to set up an isolation at each district hospital in view of the deadly infection that is fast spreading across the globe.

The district sharing Indian border has adopted preparedness measures in view of virus fear. A health desk has been set up at transit, Jhulaghat where the people entering into Nepali territory get health checkups, said chief of the health office, Yogesh Prasad Bhatta.

The health desk establishment was done in cooperation with Dasharathchand municipality, the health office and the district hospital. So far over 450 people got health checkups from the desk, said Bhatta.

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