Alertness placed in Janunaha checkpoint to prevent coronaviurus outbreak

Ranjha–In order to check possible transmission of coronavirus through surface route, Nepalgunj sub-metropolis has placed alertness measure at Jamunaha checkpoint along Nepal-India border.

The health section of Nepalgunj sub-metropolis has set up a health screening desk to examine health of people entering into Nepal from India, shared health section coordinator Ram Bahadur Chand.

Two health workers have been mobilized at Jamunaha checkpoint by managing necessary infrastructure and screening instruments, he said.

Hundreds of Nepali enters Nepalgunj from India via Jamunaha checkpoint every day. Health check-up service has been provided to the interested people and patients at border transit point.

"We provide health screening service to the patients and keep them under monitoring. However, we do not have capacity enough to provide screening service to all those travelling through the checkpoint", Chand added.

"Existing infrastructure and human resource would not be enough to expand the service. However, we are coordinating with the concerned agencies for this", he further said.

Health worker Dhan Prasad Neupane said people's health screening is being carried out at the desk through inferred thermometer.

An inferred thermometer is a devise which measures temperature of human body from a distance without contact. The health help desks were set up along border entry points after a joint meeting of the security officials from Banke and Bardia districts and Indian border authorities decided to put high alert measures.

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