Bharatpur city to be made smoke-free

Chitwan–The campaign to make the Bharatpur Metropolitan city a 'no smoking and smoke-free city' is becoming effective. According to spokesperson at the metropolitan city, Arun Pidit Bhandari, purchase and selling of tobacco and tobacco products were banned in public areas. The decision was taken following Tobacco Control and Monitoring Act 2068 BS. The metropolitan city is monitoring either the campaign was becoming effective or not in restricted zones.

Similarly, an initiative is forwarded to make the city as smoke-free zone. Mayor Renu Dahal had committed to make the city as smoke-free city in a programme at Bogor city of Indonesia.

The metropolitan city has formed a monitoring team under the convenorship of Pradyumna Prasad Upadhyya and the team is daily carrying out the monitoring in the city. According to him, some shops violating rules have been reprimanded.

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