MCC would be decided keeping national interest at centre: NCP spokesperson

Kathmandu–Nepal Communist Party (NCP) Secretariat member and Spokesperson, Narayankaji Shrestha, has said a decision in regard with the 'Millennium Challenge Corporation' would be taken keeping the interest of the nation at first.

During his meeting with a group of journalists associated with the Press Association Nepal, Valley Province Committee at his Hattiban-based residence today, the Spokesperson of the major ruling party made it clear the national interest would be put in the core while putting the MCC agreement, the assistance proposed by the US government for Nepal, to a decision It may be noted the December 23 meeting of the NCP Standing Committee handed the responsibility of taking a decision on the MCC to the party Secretariat.

On the occasion, he said during the recent programme in Baglung, he, also the NCP central publicity department chief, stated a decision on the MCC would be taken on the basis of national interest, but the statement was (mis)interpreted by some media that it would be 'endorsed'. He called upon journalists to have thorough understanding about the contents and to be sensitive in the word selection.

As per the provision, the government has to present the proposal at the Federal Parliament for the endorsement. During NCP Standing Committee meeting, the views were heard that if the MCC was part of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy, it could not be accepted.

However, the government has been saying the MCC agreement was not the part of the Strategy and it would be passed. The decision of the NCP Secretariat is vital as the party rules the government.

On a different note, the leader said the NCP, with winning the people's mandate through the election in the aftermath of unification of two largest communist parties, was moving ahead with a goal of establishing a new approach-based scientific socialism through the peaceful competition and advanced democracy.

"The novel use of revolution here has caught the global attention," he said, adding that's why the focus should be on meeting targets of prosperity and socialism to make the revolution and communist leadership successful.

As he said, the party has adopted the policy of 'socialism-oriented people's democracy'. He was of the view of unlearning the culture of factionalism in the party and taking it above the partisan interests with the promotion of transparency.

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