High-level committee begins works

Kathmandu - A High-Level Committee formed by the government to deliver health service as per the federal structure effectively has begun its works. 

A meeting of the Council of Ministers held on August 21 had formed an 11-member high-level committee under the leadership of Health Minister Girirajmani Pokharel to implement the constitutional provisions to expand health services.

The meeting of the committee held today at health ministry took decisions on various agendas including action plan, formation of taskforce, suggestions collection and budget implementation. 

Committee's Executive Vice-Chairperson Dr Mohan Maskey said that a report containing recommendations as to how the constitutionally guaranteed health services would be put into actions. 

He further informed that the taskforce would prepare and submit report to the government before the federal and provincial elections. 

The high-level committee headed by Health Minister Pokharel includes Dr Maskey (Vice-Chairperson), Dr Badri Raj Pandey, Dr Sharad Wanta, Dr Senendra Raj Uprety, Dr Padma Bahadur Chand, Dr YP Singh, Daya Laxmi Baidya and Dr Basudev Upadhyay as members. 

Health Secretary Dr Kiran Regmi is the member-secretary in the Committee.

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