CPN (Majority) General Convention kicks off today in Kathmandu

Kathmandu, January 17 — The General Convention of the CPN (Majority) is set to begin today. The inauguration will take place at the Rashtriya Naachghar in Jamal at 12 PM.

The closed session will be held at the TU Auditorium Hall from tomorrow until the 23rd of January, as informed by leader Gunaraj Lohani.

According to Lohani, the opening ceremony will be jointly inaugurated by Sete Ramtel, the father of the first martyr of the People’s War, Dilbahadur Ramtel, and Ishwari Dahal aka Asare Kaka.

During the closed session, coordinator Dharmendra Bastola will present a political document related to the direction of the scientific socialist movement and the strategy of an autonomous government.

Lohani further mentioned that 450 representatives from 77 districts and 100 observers will participate in the convention.

The leadership selection process will involve direct voting to elect the Central Committee, which will then choose the office bearers.

Currently, the Central Committee has 95 members, but the convention may reduce it to 65.

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