Judicial Council transfers 14 High Court judges, recommends two for Supreme Court

Kathmandu, September 27 — The Judicial Council has decided to recommend the Chief Judges of Patan and Tulsipur for judges in the Supreme Court.

The council has recommended Nripadhwaj Niraula, Chief Justice of Patan High Court, and Nityananda Pandey of Tulsipur High Court.

Currently, there are four vacant judgeships in the Supreme Court, and two more are expected to become vacant in the near future.

However, the council has made this recommendation specifically for these two judges while keeping other positions vacant.

Judicial council latest notice

Additionally, Judicial Council has transferred 14 judges of the High Court.

However, it was unable to make any recommendations for the High Court on Friday.

Currently, there are 16 vacant judgeships in the High Court.

High court transferhigh court transfer1high court transfer2


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