Amresh Singh comes down heavily on health minister, stood silent at the rostrum

Independent lawmaker Dr. Amresh Kumar Singh sarcastically kept mum in the rostrum asking for the whereabouts of the Health Minister in the House during the discussion on the Appropriation Bill. Singh also alleged that the Ministry of Finance has become like an agent of foreigners.

In the meeting of the House of Representatives held on Tuesday, MP Singh, who had reached the rostrum of the Parliament to present a proposal to reduce the expenditure on the Appropriation Bill, after not seeing the Health Minister, stood in the rostrum for some time and demanded the speaker to stop the proceedings.

He lamented that the parliament had become a show piece and ministers were not serious about the business of the House.

 "There is a discussion going on here, the Minister of Health is not here. I want to ask a question. I need the minister. Otherwise, I will continue to stand here," said Amresh.

After that, Speaker Devraj Ghimire asked Singh to stop at rostrum for a moment. "Honoable MP, please stop for a moment, the Minister of Health may have gone out to attend the nature's call. Please wait patiently, until he comes, ," Speaker Ghimire said with a smile.

For more than 40 seconds, Amresh remained silent in the rostrum. As soon as Health Minister Pradeep Yadav entered the hall, the Speaker said, "The Minister has come, Honorable MP, please proceed."

MP Singh, who took the discussion forward, questioned Minister Yadav for not building a referral hospital in Madhesh province. "Why is there no referral hospital in Madhes?", he asked.

He mentioned that the doctors who were supposed to work in Madhesh were living in Kathmandu. "This issue needs to be resolved", he said.

"Medical colleges have been established in every province. When will the government build a medical college in Madhesh? Why is Madhes province always neglected in the budget?'' he asked.

Similarly, during the discussion, MP Singh also alleged that the Ministry of Finance has become like an agent of foreigners.

"I also said in 2070 that the Ministry of Finance has become a foreigner's agenda ministry, not a representative ministry of the people", said Singh.

MP Singh said that the leaders are morally corrupt and they have done nothing except cheating the people.

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