Gandaki CM Pandey taking vote of confidence today

Pokhara: Gandaki Chief Minister Surendraraj Pandey is taking vote of confidence today. The provincial assembly meeting has been called for his vote of confidence at 3 pm. According to Article 168 (3) of the Constitution, he who became the Chief Minister as the leader of the largest party needs the support of 31 members of the Provincial Assembly to win the vote of confidence. However, the opposition claims that he will not be able to get a majority.

In the 60-member state assembly, there are 27 from Congress, 22 from CPN (UML), seven from CPN (Maoist Center), two from Rashtriya Prajatantra Party and one independent.

Pandey currently has the support of only 27 Congress MPs. The RPP is positive to vote for Pandey.

Likewise, independent MP Rajeev Gurung alias Deepak Manange has arrived Pokhara from Kathmandu. He said that if Pandey is sure to get a majority, he will give a vote of confidence.

``I will vote for Pandy if he is able to garner support of other 30 MPs'' he said. Pandey has to secure remaining one seat from the opposition alliance. Many have suspected that Nepal samajwadi Party leader Phanindra Devkota, who is currently the MP under Maoist electoral symbol, might cross the floor.

But the Maoists claim that there will be no floor crossing. Besides, Devkota also participated in the meeting of the Maoist parliamentary party held on Sunday. "He attended the meeting and shared his views" said Maoist Chief Whip Kusum Budha. ``There is no room for doubt'', she added.

Pandey has asked the main opposition party CPN (UML), opposition parties like Maoists, RPP, Phanindra Devkota and independent MP Rajeev Gurung to give a vote of confidence in the Gandaki state assembly. He wrote a letter to the opposition parties on Sunday asking for vote. If Pandey does not get the majority, the government will be formed as per Article 168 (5).

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