What are the agendas for Prime Minister's China visit?

KATHMANDU, Aug 29: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has stated that his visit to China will heighten the relationship between Nepal and China. Answering the questions raised in today's session of the House of Representatives, Prime Minsiter Prachanda says that the main priority of the visit is to give new momentum to the relationship between the two countries.

MP Uday Shamsher Rana asked the Prime Minister about the priorities and the agedas of his visit to China in the meeting. PM Dahal answered by saying that the objective is to focus on the relationship between the two countries and effectively implement the agreements made in the previous visit to China.

He said that the visit will prioritise the strengthening of the economic and trade relations between Nepal and China. Other than that, he said that the visit will also focus on effectively operating the border checkpoints between Nepal and China.

"Similarly, the roads, energy, agriculture, science and technology and trade are the main priorities and agendas of the visit," the Prime Minister added, "We are also planning to advance connectivity in the development sector, transformation plans in agriculture, education and health sectors with the help of China."

According to PM Dahal, topics such as the electricity trade between Nepal and China and the construction of the Kimanthanka Hydropower Project will also be prioritised during the visit. Until now, there has not been any international electricity trade agreement between Nepal and China. Only India has engaged in electricity trade with Nepal so far. Nepal is also preparing to sign an agreement with Bangladesh to sell 40 MW of electricity. If Nepal successfully manages to sign an electricity deal with China during the visit, it will open a new way for Nepal to sell electricity to China.

It is said that the projects under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply are also being prioritised for the visit. The Nepalese side to planning to effectively operate the checkpoints between the countries and ask China's assistance in building more checkpoints.

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