Underwater sounds heard in search for Titanic submarine

June 21: The US Coast Guard has confirmed that a Canadian P-3 aircraft detected "underwater noises" in a search area for the missing Titanic submarine. Citing internal US government memos, the US media described them as "banging sounds"

Contact with the miniature submarine was lost on Sunday as it made a 3,800m descent to the Titanic wreck.  Five people were onboard the submarine. The submarine's air supply is expected to run out on Thursday, at around 11:00 BST (10:00 GMT)

British-Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, along with British explorer Hamish Harding are onboard the submarine. Paul-Henry Nargeolet, a former French Navy diver and the chief executive of OceanGate Stockton Rush are also in the vessel.


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