Diplomatic means suggested for finding solution to Lipulek issue

Kathmandu - National Assembly (NA) members have presented the views seeking solution to the border issue in Lipulek through diplomatic means. Taking part in the discussions on the principles and priorities of Appropriation Bill (except tax proposal) for the fiscal year 2077-78 BS in the NA session today, the Upper House lawmakers called on the government and all Nepalis to stand for the causes of nationality.

They also raised contemporary issues in the session. Chakra Prasad Snehi spoke the need of resolving the issue through diplomatic efforts. He also took time to draw the government attention to bringing Nepalis left stranded in several Indian towns during the lockdown against coronavirus. Ramlakhan Chamar demanded grants for women in budget in recognition of their contribution to the agricultural sector. ''Women are the largest contributors to agriculture,'' he said.

Udaya Sharma Poudel insisted on one door system to distribute relief to those affected by COVID-19 crisis while Bimala Rai Rai Poudel said COVID-19 should be the focus of the upcoming budget. Similarly, Nainkala Jha and Bina Pokhrel stressed that the new budget should give priority to farmers.

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