Genetic analysis of COVID-19 to be conducted in Nepal

Kathmandu - The Ministry of Health and Population is to conduct a genetic research and study on COVID-19. The Nepal Health Research Council under the Ministry held a discussion among the scientists, virologists and concerned organizations’ persons on the research and study to be conducted on the genetics of COVID-19.

As Nepal has recorded 82 COVID-19 infections so far and there has been no death reported due to the deadly infection, the genetic study of COVID-19 is deemed important to determine what kind of gene is this and to produce its antidote, according to Council’s registrar Pushparaj Khanal.

The discussion was also held with foreign scientists too, informed Khanal, adding, “We would like to find out what kind of COVID-19’s virus’s gene is infecting people in Nepal as it is reported in persons without any symptoms too.” The researchers would study the swab and blood of the infected ones to conduct the genetic studies of COVID-19. Research will also find out whether Nepal’s infected ones had the genes of the COVID-19 infected ones in countries like the USA, China and other European countries.

Once the genes are determined, it will be easier to find out antidote to COVID-29, according to Khanal. He explained, “The infected persons in Italy, USA and China have been succumbing to this infection but no deaths have been reported in Nepal yet. Moreover, there’s no clinical sigh syndrome in the infected ones in Nepal either.

It is all due to the genetics of COVID-19.” Studies have already commenced in India, China and the USA on the genetics of COVID-19. Research will be conducted on the genetics lab of the Kathmandu University and Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST).

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