State Minister reaching out to the poor with supplies

Kathmandu - Minister of State for Urban Development Rambir Manandhar has been reaching out to the daily wagers, affected by the nationwide lockdown imposed to contain the spread of the Coronavirus. Manandhar has been providing food support the families of the daily wage workers in their doorsteps. Accordingly, on Saturday, State Minister reached the rented quarters of Jauad Hussein in ward no. 13 of Chandragiri and delivered relief supplies for his family. Hussein is a resident of Parsa and had been finding difficulty in feeding his family for lack of daily work and closure of market.

Upon receiving information about the condition of Hussein, State Minister Manandhar reached out to him in person and delivered the relief support. Nobody will remain hungry during the lockdown, the government will reach out to them, State Minister Manandhar's Secretariat quoted him as saying. The Hussein family members were very thankful towards State Minister Manandhar, as they got very emotional on receiving the much-need supplies.

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