Flights schedule at TIA returns normal

Kathmandu– Flights schedule at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA), country’s sole international airport, which was affected this morning due to adverse weather, has come back to normalcy. 

Flights to and from the airport were disrupted for around three hours due to low visibility triggered by thick fog in the Kathmandu Valley. The situation has turned to be normal with the improvement in weather, said TIA General Manager Raj Kumar Chhetri. 

The lowest level of visibility was measured just only 100-200 meter. It reached to 1,600 meter at around 8:00 am and it came to 1,000 meter at 9:00 am. For the take-off of international flights, 800 meter visibility is good enough but for the arrival flights, 1,600-3,200 meter is imperative for all sorts of aircrafts ranging from narrow to wide-body. 

Similarly, in case of domestic flights, 1,600 meter visibility is needed for narrow-body aircrafts. Presently, 20 air service providing companies including 10 helicopters operate their services while 29 companies including three domestic ones are available for international flights services at TIA. 

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