Bhadrapur– Police on Tuesday had arrested three persons from Gaurigunj of Jhapa on charge of demanding ransom by abducting a seven-year-old child.
The arrestees are Badri Yadav of Gaurigunj-6, Shree Prasad Malha of Gaurigunj-4 and his wife Anju Mukhiya, shared Police Inspector at Gaurigunj Area Police Office, Tekendra Poudel.
Police nabbed them from a hotel at Damak where the abducted Maifuz Alam, a son of Mohamed Sadam, of Kisanpura of Supaul district of Bihar, India, was kept.
The kidnappers had demanded ransom of Rs 1.5 million from the family of the child.
A team of Nepal Police deputed from Gaurigunj Area Police Office had rescued Alam from the hotel and handed him over to the family members.
The arrestees are being detained at Damak-based area police office for investigation. ---
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