Madhyapur –The festival with religious and cultural importance, Indra Jatra has kicked off in Bhaktapur from today. Indra Jatra festival falls on the fourth day of the waxing moon in the month of Bhadra as per the lunar calendar. It is celebrated in the three districts of the Kathmandu Valley and in Kavre and Dolakha also. Indra, the Hindu god of rain and good harvest, is worshipped in this festival.
Marking the occasion, small wooden poles called lingo are raised to resemble the statue of Lord Indra in different vicinities and. The pole thus raised is named as Yambodho in the Newari language. The Yambodho has been raised as per religious worshipping at Tekhapukhu, Bansagopal, Nasamana, Bulucha, Sakotha, Bholanche, Suryamadhi, Khauma, Itache and other areas. Legends say that the Indra Jatra festival is observed to celebrate the victory of the gods over the demons to release Jayanta, the son of Lord Indra. This festival lasts for eight days with singing, mask dancing and rejoicing.
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