Representatives of Bharatpur Metropolis take oath; UML boycott

Chitwan - Newly-elected Mayor, Deputy Mayor, ward chairpersons and members of the Bharatpur Metropolis took the oath of office and secrecy today. However, people's representatives elected on behalf of the CPN-UML boycott the swearing-in ceremony.
Mayor, Deputy Mayor, wards chairpersons and members elected from the NC-CPN (Maoist Centre) assumed the office today.
Chief Returning Officer Kabi Prasad Neupane administered oath of office to Mayor Renu Dahal, Deputy Mayor Parbati Shah and wards chairpersons.
On the same occasion, Mayor Dahal administered oath to the elected wards' members.
CPN (MC)'s candidate Dahal elected to the post of Mayor while Shah of the NC to Deputy Mayor.
In the election, UML won total 70 members including 14 wards' chairpersons, NC won 69 members including 12 wards' chairpersons and CPN (MC) eight members including three wards' chairpersons.
CPN-UML Chitwan Chairperson Krishna Bhakta Pokharel said the people's representatives from his party would not take oath on presence of those involved in ballot tearing and hatching conspiracy.
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