Constitution Day: Madhesh-centric parties plan 'Black Day' observance

Kathmandu, September 15 — While the government is preparing to celebrate Constitution Day with great pomp on September 19 this year, Madhesh-centric parties within the government are preparing to observe the same day as "Black Day."

The constitution was promulgated by the Constituent Assembly on September 20, 2015. On that day, the government has been observing the occasion annually by declaring it a public holiday. However, Madhesh-centric parties have marked that day as Black Day.

Madhesh-based parties have been demanding amendments to the constitution, asserting that it remains incomplete. On the day the constitution was promulgated, there were protests in Madhesh, which led to the deaths of some protesters. As a result, Madhesh-centric parties have been observing the day as Black Day.

The ruling party, the Loktantrik Samajwadi Party Nepal (LSPN), has decided to mark Constitution Day as a "Black Day," according to the party's Co-chair Sarbendranath Shukla. He stated, "Since the constitution was enacted, we have been saying that it is not acceptable and needs to be amended. However, since the government has not heeded our concerns, we will observe Constitution Day as Black Day."


LSP has previously observed Constitution Day as Black Day while being in government, and they plan to continue marking it as Black Day until the constitution is amended, according to their statement.

This time, the main ruling parties, Nepali Congress and CPN-UML, have also put the agenda of constitutional amendment forward. Shukla stated that this makes their protest meaningful. "The leading parties have already committed to amending the constitution. We hope that the constitution will be amended," he said. "A circular has been issued to organize programs with black bands in districts across the country to demand constitutional amendments."

This year, Janata Samajbadi Party-Nepal will also observe Constitution Day as Black Day. Unlike previous years, when various programs were held to mark the day, JSP-N will officially observe it as Black Day this year.

JSP-N spokesperson Manish Suman stated that the party plans to observe Constitution Day as a day of protest. "There has been no discussion on the specific form of the program to commemorate Constitution Day," he said. "The Executive Committee meeting on September 18 will decide on this matter."

JSP-N has been actively advocating for constitutional amendments. The party has organized various forms of struggle to push for amendments or a rewrite of the constitution. The Central Committee meeting held on August 14 also decided to launch a campaign to pressure the government for constitutional amendments. According to spokesperson Suman, constitutional amendments are a key agenda in the party's four-month campaign.

The Janamat Party, which has led the Madhesh Province government, also plans to observe Constitution Day with a protest. However, the party has not yet made an official decision on the matter.

Party Vice Chairman Abdul Khan stated, "The party has not made any decision regarding whether to hold protest programs on September 19, Constitution Day. However, if party leaders and activists spontaneously decide to protest, the party will not obstruct them."

Vice President Khan added that he would participate in any protests organized by party leaders if invited. He clarified that the party has not made any decisions concerning September 19.

Previously, Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP) Nepal, while in government, did not hold protests on Constitution Day. During its leadership of the Madhesh government, JSP-Nepal neither protested nor observed the Constitution Day as a Black Day.

In the Madhesh Province, JSP-Nepal had participated in interaction programs organized by the government and had been observing Constitution Day.

Similarly, the Janamat Party, which also led the Madhesh Province government, has remained neutral regarding Constitution Day.

The National Liberation Revolution led by Rajendra Mahato plans to observe September 19 this year as a Black Day. Additionally, the Tarai Madhesh Loktantrik Party (TMLP), led by Brishesh Chandra Lal, is holding protests demanding constitutional amendments. The TMLP will organize an awareness meeting in Janakpur on Monday, advocating for constitutional amendments.

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