Tough competition for parliamentary party leader in JSP

Kathmandu - Janata Samajwadi Party Nepal has started the homework for selecting the leader of the parliamentary party. The election committee formed to select the leader of the parliamentary party had given two days for consensus. Today is the last day of those two days. It is said that it should be finished today, or else the process of election will be started tomorrow.

The committee has fixed the election schedule for tomorrow. On the other hand, efforts are being made for consensus in the party. A parliamentary party meeting has been called today for discussion.

Aspirants for the leader of the parliamentary party are JSP Federal Council President and MP Ashok Rai, executive members Rajkishore Yadav, and Nabalkishore Sah. As a senior leader of the party, Ashok Rai has claimed that he should become the leader of the parliamentary party, but because most of the leaders won the election from Madhes, there is pressure in the party that someone from Madhes should become the leader of the parliamentary party.

JSP president Upendra Yadav also wants Ashok Rai to become the leader of the parliamentary party, but he is under pressure from Madhesi leaders within the party. If there is no agreement in the party, Upendra Yadav is also in favor of holding the elections.

If the election is held, Ashok Rai will not become the leader of the parliamentary party. Out of the 12 people, only three have been in his favor so far. Nine MPs are in favor of making the leader of the parliamentary party from Madhesh.

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