10 New Year’s Resolutions for 2079

It’s that time again…the annual promise that 2079 will be your year!

While these yearly ambitions are exciting and motivation is high at the beginning of the year, by month two, many of these goals tend to trickle off. But don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Here are 10 most common New Year’s Resolutions: 

1. Exercise more

2. Lose weight

3. Get organized

4. Learn a new skill or hobby 

5. Live life to the fullest

6. Save more money / spend less money

7. Quit smoking

8. Spend more time with family and friends

9. Travel more

10. Read more

Do any of these make your resolution list for 2079? Us too, and they aren’t impossible goals either. According to one study, about 46% of people who made New Year’s resolutions were successful. With a little discipline, they can be achieved. 

Here are 10 ways to stick to them: 

Mentally prepare for change

Self-reflect and note what you were able to accomplish this year. Celebrate the successes, no matter how small. Also note what you didn’t accomplish, and why you didn’t meet those goals. Focus on these tips as you prepare for a life change:

Stay positive

Try not to make big/quick changes

Change should be gradual

Build on smaller changes

Allow a little room for error

Set a goal that motivates you

Make sure your goals are for you and have value and benefit for you. Make sure they align with your top priorities. This will give you a sense of urgency and a sense of wanting/needing to achieve these goals for a happier you.

Limit resolutions to a manageable amount

Know your limitations. It would be pretty hard to learn five different languages, change your workout and eating routines, spend more time with family, and travel more while also doing your normal work and day to day activities. Prioritize your goals. 

Be Specific

Don’t just say “I want to be healthier”, but actually specify and create a plan on how you are going to achieve that. Make sure the specifics are small and attainable, and give it a timeline so you can move on to bigger goals after achieving the smaller stuff.

Break up big goals into smaller goals

Try making weekly and monthly goals, with individual tasks that need to be achieved. Create a list, use a visual map, and focus on the next step rather than the big picture.

Write down your goals

Writing down your resolutions serves as a reminder, provides clarity and establishes intention. It’ll help motivate you to continue moving forward and serve as a reminder of how far you’ve come as you continue on your journey.

Share your resolution with others

Telling other people about your goals gives you a sense of obligation and accountability, as peer pressure can work as your motivation to achieve your goals. It can also provide a kindredship, as you might find people with the same goals and you can work on achieving them together.

Automate when possible

Technology is constantly at our fingertips, so we might as well use it to support our goals. Use reminders, ‘to-do’ list, and task management apps to help you on your journey.

Review your resolution regularly

Keep your resolution in the back of your mind always. Review your goals monthly, weekly, and even daily. See where you are keeping on track and where you may be falling off the wagon a little bit. Eyes on the prize!

If you fall off track, get back on quick

Leave room for mistakes, nobody is perfect. Any setbacks that you may run into are not failures, but it is important to evaluate what happened, and figure out a plan so that way you don’t keep repeating the same mistake.

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