Survey Department readies for measuring Mt Everest height


Kathmandu, The government is all set to measure the height of Sagarmatha Himal (Mt Everest), using own resources. 
The final preparations for measuring the height of the world's tallest mountain have been completed, according to the Survey Department which is undertaking the task. 
Joint spokesman of the Ministry of Land Reform and Management, Punya Bikram Poudel said that the government has allocated Rs 20 million for this purpose and the Ministry of Finance too has assured of additional money. 
"The Ministry of Land Reform and Management had proposed last year that Nepal itself should calibrate the height of Mt Everest using own resources and manpower. Accordingly, the government has prioritized the programme and budget for this and we have reached the final phase of preparation for the same," the Ministry's joint-spokesman Poudel said. 
The Ministry has held discussions on the methodology of measuring the height of the mountain organizing an international seminar which was participated by the scientists and representatives of the survey departments and bureaus of various countries including India and China, before embarking on the project. The seminar was organized in Kathmandu on December 11 and 12. 
According to Poudel, the measurement would be done in accordance with the internationally-accepted standards. 
Before this, the Survey of India had measured the height of Mt Everest 170 years ago and determined the height of the mountain at 8,848 metres from the mean sea level. Various agencies measured Mt Everest's height at different times and came up with differing measurements. But these had not been officially recognized. 
The Survey Department is all set to start the project and plans to complete it in the coming two years. 

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