RPP (Democratic) welcomes public holiday on Poush 27


Kathmandu, The Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Democratic) has welcomed the government decision announcing Poush 27, the birth anniversary of the builder of the nation, Prithvi Narayan Shah, a public holiday. 
A press release undersigned by party general secretary Rajaram Shrestha states that the present Deuba-led government has fulfilled the demands of the party that the builder of the nation should be given respect from the state level which had also been mentioned in the party's election manifesto with priority. The RPP (Democratic) has also thanked the government for making this decision. 
The party has also expressed the belief that this decision respecting the builder of the nation when voices are raised for ethnic and sectarian division would help string together all the Nepalis in a thread of national unity. It also demanded that Poush 27 also be celebrated as the National Integration Day. 

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