1,924 listed under PMEP in Baitadi

Kathmandu - As many as 1,924 people from Pancheshwor Rural Municipality of Baitadi district have been listed under the Prime Minister Employment Programme (PMEP). The people -570 women and 390 men- applied for the jobs under the PMEP as per government provision.

The government had urged the aspiring people between the age of 18 and 59 to apply for jobs at the respective ward where they live from July 23 to August 23, said job coordinator at the rural municipality, Sandhya Joshi. The respective ward committee, local direction committee and executive determined the applicants as exact unemployed.

Names of the enlisted people have been sent to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, said Joshi, adding that budget would be released after the Ministry approves the name list. The listed people would be provided jobs for 100 days on priority basis, said Dasharath Mangola, Spokesperson for the rural municipality.

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