COVID-19 death rate comparatively high in Chitwan

Kathmandu - The rate of deaths caused by COVID-19 is high in Chitwan, compared to the entire country. The death rate due to this has reached 1.28 per cent, even leaving aside those people who came here for treatment from outside districts and died during treatment.

As per the data shared by the Ministry of Health and Population on Monday, the number of infected persons in the country is 111 thousand 802 while the death toll has reached 645. Accordingly, the rate of death due to coronavirus infection in Nepal is 0.57 per cent.

The same for Chitwan district is 1.28 per cent, which is more than double of the COVID-19 death rate in the entire country, the District Health Office Chitwan said. Public Health Officer Geetanjali Dhakal said the total number of infected persons in Chitwan has reached 2,792 and of them 36 have died.

One thousand six hundred and seventy-two people have recovered from the disease while 1,118 are active infection cases. The number of people died from COVID-19 including those who had come from outside districts has reached 64. Among the casualties, the most number is at Bharatpur Hospital.

It is said five per cent of the infected persons who were admitted at the hospital have died while 81 per cent have been discharged after health recovery and 14 per cent are under treatment. Out of the 301 infected persons treated at Bharatpur Hospital, 102 are from districts other than Chitwan. People with coronavirus infection from 12 outside districts have come here seeking treatment.

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