Government approves, in principle, to conduct all types of exams

Kathmandu - The government has given approval, in principle, to operate the examinations of all level, subjects and types that were suspended before this over fear of spread of COVID-19. These examinations should be conducted by fully obeying the public health and safety standards set by the government.

A meeting of the Council of Ministers convened on October 5 gave approval to the exam-related commission, university, academy, board, council, school and educational institution to administer the examinations by fully abiding by the health protocols issued by the federal government, the provincial governments and the local levels.

Government spokesperson Pradeep Kumar Gyawali said the meeting also decided to give permission to the vocational training providing institutions to operate short-term vocational training with less the 25 participants by adopting public health standards.

The Cabinet meeting likewise decided to amend the Madan Bhandari Science and Technology University Infrastructure Construction and development Committee (Formation) Order, 2075 BS and to give approval for the operation of the process of filling up the vacant posts of the National Examination Board employees that was suspended by a decision of the Council of Ministers on April 26.

The meeting has made a decision to constitute a recommendation committee for the appointment of the Chair and two other members, including a woman, to the Teacher Service Commission. The Vice Chancellor of Tribhuvan University is the Chair and the Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is the member of this committee.

It also made a decision to assign Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Dr Yogendra Kumar Karki, as the Chair and to appoint senior agriculture economist Binod Kumar Bhattarai to the post of Executive Director of the Kalimati Fruit and Vegetable Market Development Committee.

In another decision, the Gazetted First Class (Administration Group) Joint Secretary level post based in Jeddah of Saudi Arabia has been transferred to the Nepali Consulate General based in Chengdu in People's Republic of China; the organizational structure and number of posts of the Office of the President has been approved;

16 officer level temporary posts, including seven for the National Information Technology Centre Kathmandu under the Ministry of communications and Information Technology and nine for the Disaster recovery Centre Hetauda, and five officer level temporary posts for the Advertisement board have been approved for the fiscal year 2020/21.

Similarly, the term of some Honorary Consul Generals has been extended as per the provision in the Regulations Related to Honorary Consul (Fifth Amendment), 2039. Accordingly, the term of Honorary Consul General Shahram Shantiyai based in Tehran of Iran; the term of Honorary Consul General Toyo Shwi Leng at Selangor city in Malaysia; the term of Honorary Consul Balli Suputra Jano Sati based in Jakarta of Indonesia;

the term of the Honorary Consul at Haifa and Beersheba city of Israel, Nimrad Berg and Ian Neer, respectively has been extended for another four years. Likewise, the term of the Consul Generals based in Illinois, Maryland and Ohio City of the USA, Mr Marvin A Bernstein, Mr Prem Raja Mahat and Dr Willian C Cassel, respectively and that of the Honorary Consul based at Hawaii and Seattle city of USA, Mary C Carrol and AC Sherpa, respectively, has been extended by four more years.

More decisions include appointment of Ingris Sesters-Lyuten as the Honorary Nepali Consul for Flanders area of Belgium, extension of the term of Honorary Consul in Athens city of Greece, Immanuel Karavelakis by four years and promote him to the Consul General and promotion of Honorary Consul based in Beirut of Lebanon, Elshekh Mohammad Wasam Gojayal to Consul General in recognition of his commendable work.

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