Salarhi exports vegetables worth 3 billion rupees

Kathmandu - Lalbandi of the district has exported vegetables worth more than 3 billion rupees in the fiscal year 2019/20. The vegetables were produced in Lalbandi, Iswarpur and Hariwan municipalities. Vegetables worth Rs. 3 billion 182 million were sold from the vegetable centre point in Lalbandi, according to Agro Market Management Committee.

During the year, 119.56 kilograms of vegetables were exported. Vegetables have been grown in around 1,000 bigaha of land in the municipalities. More than 50 per cent of the exported vegetables included tomatoes, with Lalbandi now known as the pocket zone for tomatoes.

Other vegetables included parbal, long beans, ladyfinger, cauliflower, cabbage, brinjal, green gourd, pumpkin, radish among others. With notable income from vegetable farming, the number of locals joining commercial farming is increasing in the district, according to the Agriculture Knowledge Centre, Sarlahi.

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