Science diplomacy stressed to combat pandemic-induced challenges

Kathmandu - Minister for Education, Science and Technology Girirajmani Pokharel has said that the impacts of coronavirus infection on multiple sectors should be countered through the use of science and technology. At a programme organised in the capital city ahead of the National Science Day today on Science Diplomacy of 21st Century, Minister Pokharel argued that the whole world should unite to combat the common challenge. “Only science and technology can counter the world’s common challenge.

We should be ready for the utilisation of science and technology in impact reduction of coronavirus pandemic and climate change impact as well as in development construction,” Minister Pokharel said. Minister Pokharel also shared that the government has given top priority for science and education sector by issuing national science and innovation policy last year. This year’s Asoj 1 is being marked Eighth National Science Day under the theme of Science for Health and Quality Life. Former Minister Ganesh Shah on the occasion said that youth scientists should be deployed with top priority for development and construction as well as for containing the pandemic.

Secretary at the Ministry of Education Dr Sanjay Sharma argued that science was above the formal diplomacy while adding that science diplomacy was more important in the current time of pandemic. Foreign Affairs Secretary Shanker Das Bairagi, Vice Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology Dr Sunil Babu Shrestha and other scientists have called for capacity enhancement of the youth scientists. Similarly, Nepal’s Ambassador to Israel Dr Anjan Shakya, German Ambassador to Nepal Roland Schäfer and others too laid emphasis on innovation and research works for coping with the current challenges.

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