Beni-Jomsom road obstructed

Kathmandu - The Beni-Jomsom road that connects the trans-Himalayan district Mustang to the national road network has been obstructed after flood and landslide swept away sections of the road. About 200 metres of the road has been swept away by the flood in the local Rupse Khola rivulet at Annapurna rural municipality-3 of the district. Vehicular movement on this section of the road has been halted since Monday after the road was damaged by flood and landslide, Beni-Jomsom-Korala Road Project supervisor Indra Singh Sherchan said.

According to him, the flood and landslide has washed away 200 metres of the road to the point that it is even not possible for the people to walk. He added that although they have built a temporary wooden bridge on the damaged section, it would be difficult to repair the road until the landslide and the flood stopped. Supply of goods and essentials has been disrupted to and from Mustang due to the road’s obstruction. Transportation along the 76-kilometre Beni-Jomsom road has been disrupted.

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