Don't send patients home until their PCR report is negative: Parliamentary body

Kathmandu - The House of Representatives, State Affairs and Good Governance Committee has suggested that the government prepare a more effective strategic plan for reducing and preventing the COVID-19 infection. The parliamentary committee's this suggestion comes in the context of the growing cases of COVID-19 throughout the country in recent days. It has also suggested to the government to formulate an efficient plan of mobilising the retired health workers, public health experts and organisations involved in various social works at the community level.

The committee president Sashi Shrestha said they have urged the government to become serious to the issue of all of the infected not getting access to tests and observation by health workers in time due to the provision of keeping the COVID-19 infected persons in home isolation. The committee said this provision also made the monitoring and follow up difficult. A latest decision taken by the committee meeting held virtually states:

" The government should take the responsibility for the management and treatment of the infected persons for whom it is not possible to stay in home isolation at a safe and reliable place as the infected persons staying in home isolation by themselves without adopting the required health safety precautions heightens the risk of infection transmission to others." The committee members have also drawn the government's attention to the possibility of the situation becoming scarier unless there is policy to address such issues in time.

It has directed the government to provide PPEs, face shield, gloves and masks to the health workers and the security personnel working at the frontline in the prevention and control of the coronavirus pandemic. The State Affairs and Good Governance Committee has stressed on the need of the State giving special attention to provide motivation and social security to such human resources mobilised in the risky situation.

Likewise, the committee has urged the government and the political parties to mobilise the cadres of the their youth and sister organisations in the task of raising the awareness of the general public on health alertness to be adopted, the risk of coronavirus and the process of availing of medical services in the context of the community transmission of COVID-19 of late. The committee meeting arrived at a conclusion that it is the responsibility of the State to protect the life of the citizens at times of crisis.

It has suggested the government to disseminate adequate information to the public regarding the COVID Hospitals and to make arrangements for the accessibility of medical goods including medicine. The parliamentary committee has also directed the government to take action against people misbehaving with the health workers and the individuals and institutions refusing to provide treatment.

The government is also urged to make coordination between the federal, provincial and local levels in connection with technical, financial management, construction of isolation facilities, speeding up contact tracing and operation of mobile service for expanding the test coverage.

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