CNP provides uniform with permission for fishing

Kathmandu - Chitwan, Aug 3 (RSS): The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has provided permission as well as uniform to the community people living on the banks of the rivers. As many as 283 people belonging to the Bote, Darai, Kumal and Tharu communities were provided with permission letters and uniforms for fishing.

CNP chief conservation officer Narayan Rupakheti and Buffer Zone Management Committee chair Prakash Dhungana distributed the letters and uniforms to the indigenous community people. The first amendment to the National Park Regulation-2030 BS has specified a provision to allow the indigenous community for fishing as a source of livelihood by annually paying Rs 100.

The CNP has distributed jackets to the indigenous community members by renewing their license for fishing. This is so far the first time the CNP arranged a uniform with license for the concerned people for fishing as a source of life sustenance. “This move would help check unregulated and unauthorized entrance of people into the national park area”, he said.

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