NA members ask govt to rethink on naturalized citizenship

Kathmandu - National Assembly members have urged the government to rethink about the decision on naturalized citizenship, expressing dissatisfaction over the decision made by secretary meeting of the Nepal Communist party and State Affairs and Good Governance Committee.

Speaking during special hour in today’s meeting, NA member Jitendra Narayan Dev said that the decision made by the NCP Secretariat and State Affairs Committee on naturalized citizenship was shortsighted and immature.

He argued that breaking the marital relation of Tarai-Madhes people with people of India bordering areas would not make nationality of the country strong, adding cultural relation with India could not be broken. Dev also asked the NCP to rethink on it. Similarly, Mrigendra Kumar Singh blamed that the decision would encroach upon the community of Tarai.

Likewise, Debendra Dahaldrew government’s attention through NA chairperson to resolve the problems of people as people’s problems are not found to be addressed while Shekhar Kumar Singh also drew attention of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Ministry to construct embankment as floods made huge losses in Tarai Madhesh every year.

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