Week-long programme to observe 69th birth anniversary of Madan Bhandari

Kathmandu - Madan Bhandari Foundation has started celebrating 69th birth anniversary of Madan Bhandari by organizing a week-long programme. The Foundation started organizing programme from June 21 and has set plan to plant saplings of fruits at house compound and public places for environment protection, to distribute seeds of fruits and vegetables and exchanging experiences among farmers.

Similarly, programmes keeping poor, helpless, workers, landless squatters and senior citizens in centre would be organized, according to the Foundation.

Foundation Secretary Pemba Lama shared that they are organizing different types of programmecluding helping in management and care of people infected with coronavirus, organizing interaction about the impacts made by coronavirus in transport sector and distributing fruits to people infected with coronavirus, who are receiving treatment, and senior citizens of old-age homes on June 28.

The Foundation has also set programme to organize awareness programme about coronavirus infection through social network, to organize interaction about the ‘People’s Multiparty Democracy’ propounded by Bhandari in different levels and Bhandari’s contribution. General Secretary of the then CPN (UML), Madan Bhandari, and Chief of Organisation Department, Jibraj Ashrit, died in a jeep accident at Dasdhunga of Chitwan on May 16, 1993. Bhandari was born at Dhungesanghu of Taplegunj on June 24, 1952.

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