Foreign Affairs Minister Gyawali holds talks with his Canadian, British counterparts

Kathmandu - Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada, François-Philippe Champagne, held a telephone conversation Thursday evening. During the conversation, the two Foreign Ministers exchanged views on the initiatives taken by their respective governments for controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and reiterated their commitments to stand by each other in these trying times, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

While expressing their sympathies on the loss of life, they wished for a speedy recovery of those receiving treatment. Both the Governments will continue to extend support to one another’s nationals stranded in their respective countries. The two Ministers concurred that the bond of friendship has witnessed a robust growth in the recent years thanks to the continuation of high-level interactions including the meeting in September 2018 in New York at the Prime Ministers’ level.

On Nepal’s request for Canada’s continued partnership for development, Minister Champagne assured that the Government of Canada will continue to extend cooperation to Nepal in future. Minister Gyawali said Nepal and Canada share common views on many matters of global concern including climate change, multilateralism and agenda of the developing countries.

Minister Champagne stated that Canada looks forward to working with Nepal on climate action and other common agendas. Stressing the need for the strong global collaboration to effectively fight the pandemic, the two leaders viewed that better understanding and cooperation among all stakeholders is crucial to bring the situation under control. Likewise, Minister for Foreign Affairs Gyawali held a telephone conversation with Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the UK, Lord Ahmed, Thursday.

Various matters relating to Nepal-UK bilateral relations and development cooperation, particularly in the context of the COVID 19, were discussed during the conversation. The two sides expressed their condolences on the loss of life and wished for a speedy recovery of those suffering the pandemic. The Ministers also reaffirmed their solidarity in the common fight against the deadly virus, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated.

Minister Gyawali thanked the British Government for the support of the British Government to the protection Nepali community living in the UK during this difficult time, while assuring in reciprocity that the Government of Nepal will extend support British nationals who are in Nepal. The two leaders shared that the bond of friendship subsisting for over two centuries will continue in the years ahead with an enhanced level of cooperation in various productive sectors.

On Nepal’s request for the continued partnership of the UK in its development endeavors particularly in complementing the economic recovery packages in the aftermath of the pandemic, Minister Ahmed assured Nepal of the UK’s continued support and partnership. The two sides also exchanged views on topical global issues.

Minister Gyawali congratulated the British Government on holding the Global Vaccine Summit last week, in which the President of Nepal extended solidarity and commitment through a video message. On climate change issue, Minister Ahmed apprised of the arrangements for the COP26 Summit of UNFCCC and highlighted the significance of green economy. The two leaders agreed to work closely to further strengthen and widen all spheres of the friendly bilateral relations and remain engaged on the issues of common interests.

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