Rs. 1 trillion 474 billion 640 million budget for FY 2020/21

Kathmandu - The government has presented a budget of 1 trillion 474 billion 640 million rupees for the new fiscal year 2020/21. Finance Minister Dr Yubaraj Khatiwada read out the budget statement for F/Y 2020/21 in the joint meeting of the federal parliament in Baneswor today. The budget for the current fiscal year 2019/20 was 1 trillion 532 billion 969.1 million rupees, hence lesser by 58 billion for the New Year.
Of the total annual appropriation for F/Y 2020/21, 948. 9 billion rupees or 64.4 per cent is current expenditure while 352.9 billion rupees is capital expenditure accounting for 23.1 per cent of the total budget. Likewise, 172.7 billion rupees or 11.7 per cent has been earmarked for financial management. The government estimates to meet the expenses outlined for the new fiscal year by collecting revenue worth 889.62 billion rupees and raise 60.5 billion rupees from foreign grants, take 299.5 billion rupees of foreign loan and raise 2.25 billion rupees worth of internal loan.
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