Hearing of writ petition filed against Cabinet expansion by Oli on Sunday

KATHMANDU, March 20: Hearing of the writ petition filed against the Cabinet expansion by erstwhile Prime Minister KP Sharam Oli is scheduled for Sunday.

The hearing is to be conducted by a joint bench of Justices Bishwa Prakash Shrestha and Dr Kumar Chudal.

Earlier on December 28 and 29, 2020, advocates Lokendra Wali and Dinesh Triphati had filed writ petitions against expansion of the Council of Ministers by KP Sharma Oli.

The petitioners have maintained that it is unconstitutional to expand the Cabinet after the dissolution of the House of Representatives (HoR) and demanded the apex court to scrap the decision.

After the dissolution of parliament, the then PM Oli had expanded the Cabinet on December 25, 2020.

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