British PM fights rebellion over Brexit deal

LONDON – British Prime Minister Theresa May battled to salvage a draft Brexit deal and her political future on Thursday, as ministers resigned and members of her own party plotted to oust her. 

The Conservative leader said she believed with "every fibre of my being" in the Brexit course she had set, hours after facing a hostile parliament and seeing four ministers, including Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab, quit the government. 
Members of parliament on all sides warned her there was no way the plan could win their approval, but she dismissed calls to quit, saying: "Am I going to see this through? Yes!". 

The Daily Telegraph newspaper said Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), whose 10 MPs help May command a slim majority, would vote against the deal.Their alliance with the Tories is over unless the prime minister is replaced, the paper said, citing sources close to DUP leader Arlene Foster. 

The prime minister admitted "concerns about the backstop" solution to the Irish border question within the deal, which Brexit supporters fear would keep Britain tied indefinitely into a customs union.Critics also believe May has conceded too much to Brussels in other key areas, while EU supporters are calling for a second referendum on a final deal. 

May, however, said there would be no second vote "as far as I'm concerned". 
The 585-page draft aims to ensure a smooth divorce from the EU after more than four decades of membership and outlines a transition period for both sides to adjust to the break.Key provisions seek to avoid a hard border between EU member Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland, protect citizens' rights and settle Britain's last bill. 

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