Four films set to compete for box office success this Dashain

Kathmandu, September 22 — The Nepali film market is relatively small, which has made it difficult for commercial entities to engage with Nepali cinema.

Creating a film is only part of the process; without a proper release, the investment can feel futile—"like water on sand." Filmmakers often express that securing a release is more challenging than the actual production.

Producers and distributors are finding it increasingly difficult to release films on their preferred dates. Festivals such as New Year, Dashain, Tihar, and Maghe Sankranti pose particular challenges in securing release dates, leading some to reserve dates in advance of production.

Among the most favorable festivals for Nepali film releases, Dashain stands out. Even when multiple films compete on the same date, there are numerous instances where all can perform well at the box office. As a result, Dashain has become a critical date for producers.

With Dashain approaching, four films are set for release: "Behuli from Meghauli," "Chhakka Panja 5," "12 Gaun," and "Jwai Saap." Of these, "Chhakka Panja 5," "12 Gaun," and "Jwai Saap" will compete on the same date, Fulpaati (Asoj 24), while "Behuli from Meghauli" will premiere on Ghatasthapana (Asoj 17).

"Behuli from Meghauli," which will be released on Ghatasthapana, focuses on wedding traditions. It features actors Swastima Khadka, Nischal Basnet, Bijay Baral, Tika Pahari, and Basundhara Bhusal, co-directed by Sajan Kafle and Akash Baral.

Among the three films releasing on Fulpaati, "Chhakka Panja 5" is based on a classic love story, "Jwai Saap" revolves around a daughter's husband, and "12 Gaun" is an action-thriller.

Directed by Dipashree Niroula, "Chhakka Panja 5" stars Deepak Raj Giri, Kedar Ghimire, and Barsha Raut. "Jwai Saap" features Jitu Nepal and Niti Shah in leading roles, directed by Basant Niraula. "12 Gaun" is produced and directed by action star Biraj Bhatt, with a cast that includes Sameer Bhatta, Nyansi Khadka, Sanisha Muralidhar, Kaniz Koirala, Naren Khadka, and Diya Maskey.

Investment: 120 million

Recent trends show an increase in investments in Nepali films. Apart from a few exceptions, productions with budgets below 20 million are rare. All four films set to release during Dashain have budgets exceeding 20 million, with total investments surpassing 125 million.

The first film to debut on Ghatasthapana, "Behuli from Meghauli," is expected to reach a production cost of 20.25 million by release, according to executive producer Shankar Pandey. The film is produced by actress Swastima Khadka and actor Nischal Basnet.

Similarly, "Chhakka Panja 5," set to release on Fulpaati, is produced by the team of Deepak Raj Giri and Dipashree Niraula, with a projected budget of 30 million, as stated by director Dipashree Niroula.

The film "12 Gaun," presented by Biraj Bhatta Films, is produced by actor Biraj Bhatta himself, with costs exceeding 50 million.

Additionally, "Jwai Saap" is a collaboration between Red Eye Films and Mausam Films, presented by Rajkumar Pandit, with a budget of 20.25 million.

Commercial expectations

Predicting the commercial success of Nepali films is challenging. Some films have grossed as much as 220 million, while others may struggle to earn even half a million.

Considering the total investment in the four films releasing during Dashain—"Behuli from Meghauli," "Chhakka Panja 5," "12 Gaun," and "Jwai Saap"—which exceeds 120 million, the producers will need to generate at least 300 million to recoup their investments. This is because theaters typically retain 50% of the box office revenue, with the remaining 50% split between distributors and producers.

Producers of "Behuli from Meghauli" are hopeful that audiences will appreciate the film and that it will recover their investment.

Biraj Bhatta, the producer-director of "12 Gaun," has created the film with a focus on audiences who appreciate quality Nepali cinema. He is optimistic that the film will attract viewers and ensure a return on investment.

Basant Niraula, director of "Jwai Saap," shares a similar outlook, hoping that the film will not lead to financial losses for the producers.

He noted, "Three films are releasing simultaneously, and the commercial impact will affect everyone. Given the favorable timing, the films may perform well."

Dipashree Niraula, producer and director of "Chhakka Panja 5," is also confident in the film's commercial prospects. She believes it will draw more viewers than previous sequels. "If that happens, our investment will be secure. It's difficult to predict earnings at this stage," she remarked. The team’s previous films have set a record of grossing up to 220 million.

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