UML Central Committee meeting concludes

Continuous absence from 3 party meetings will lead to removal from party committee

KATHMANDU, May 13: CPN-UML has decided to remove those from the party committee who are absent 3 times despite receiving information from the party meeting. This decision was taken by the fifth meeting of the Central Committee held at the party office in Chyasal on Saturday. UML Publicity Department Head Prithvi Subba Gurung informed that it has been decided to remove those who are absent from the party meeting 3 times in a row despite receiving notice from the committee, while those who come to the meeting but do not work will be encouraged to work for a certain time, and will be removed from the committee if there is no progress.

It has also been decided not to add any members to the committee except for the office bearers. Gurung informed that based on the review of the details received from all the provinces of the 'Mission Grass Root' campaign, the annual action plan has been prepared by holding a meeting of the standing committee. 

The central committee meeting has approved the proposal of the permanent committee to carry out purification and expansion work on party members, work on member renewal, work on strengthening and expanding party members, renewing those who missed the renewal till June 30 from the district and sending them to the state committee.

It has been decided that the district committee will complete the renewal campaign by June 30 and submit it to the state committee. By mid-July, all state committees will send the details of new party members and of those who have been renewed, to the central organization department. It has been decided to disclose the clear reasons for those who are not renewed and should be removed from the members. It has also been decided to expand the party membership to 3 percent of the total voters in each ward.

Similarly, the UML meeting has decided to hold sessions from the state to the street. It has been decided to conduct ideological political training programs of the party from the action room, to prepare curriculum, and textbooks from the central party school, to use digital platforms, to produce prints and audio/videos, and for training, to prepare instructors and conduct regular schools.

It has been decided that the middle-level training will be conducted at the provincial level, and the district level will conduct basic-level training regularly.

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