Mine blast kills 2 children in E. Afghanistan

GHAZNI, AFGHANISTAN, April 11: Two children were killed as a mine left over from past wars went off in Afghanistan's eastern Ghazni province, the state-run Bakhtar News Agency reported on Tuesday.

A group of children found a toy-like device in the Gulzar Borjagi village of Nahoor district on Monday afternoon and began playing with it, but the device exploded, killing two children on the spot, the news agency added.

A similar blast claimed a child's life and injured another in Ghazni's neighboring Kandahar province a day earlier on Sunday.

Afghanistan is reportedly one of the most mine-contaminated countries in the world, as dozens of people, mostly children, are killed and maimed every month due to blasts of unexploded devices left over from the past four decades of wars and civil strife.


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