27 civilians killed by Armed group in Congo

CONGO, Jan. 13: An armed group has killed at least 27 civilians in Congo this week. They were killed in Congo's Ituri province.

According to the United Nations, the group is said to have killed at least 27 and injured a few other civilians this week.

According to the information provided by Stephane Dujarric; the spokesperson of the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, violence has spread in the province of Ituri and the other province of Dzugu this week. The United Nations Mission in Congo has informed that the rebel group Sodeko residing there has increased the series of killings and violence in the last few days.

There are United Nations peacekeeping forces in Congo. The armed men of the Sodeko group also attacked the peacekeepers who were on a peacekeeping mission. Peacekeepers working here have also been killed in these attacks.

In recent times, the peacekeeping force has also increased its deployment in some of the violence-affected areas there. In this process, it is said that they are working to provide security to the common people there and to prevent them from being displaced from their homes.


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