Order to send 16 people to Central Jail

KATHMANDU, June 16: The District Court has issued an order to send 16 defendants in the fake refugee case to the Jagannath Dewal Central Jail. The order was issued after the detention hearing in the single bench of Kathmandu District Court Justice Prem Prasad Neupane on Friday.

Two other arrestees have been released on bail. Lakshmi Maharjan was released on a bail of Rs 500,000 and Tanka Gurung on a bail of 1 million according to the Court.

16 defendants including Top Bahadur Raymajhi and Balkrishna Khand have been sent to jail for the pending trial.

The detention hearing has been going on in the District Court for 11 days. Out of a total of 30 accused, 12 are still absconding.

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